Blizzard does not approve of selling or buying wow gold.
Many WOW GOLD players today likes to buy WoW gold, items, accounts and power leveling sessions, but blizzard along with other players consider this an act of cheating. Well, you have the ability to enhance your character to a much higher level or better quality items, weapons, armors and other equipment with real money. It's unfair for those players who does not have the extra cash to spare or would prefer to play it the old fashion way. So that is one conclusion as to why players and Blizzard does not approve of selling or buying wow gold. The real question is does wow gold farming really disrupt the game economy?If there is excess wow gold, then the value of wow gold drops and the value of the item will rise causing players to spend more gold on the item than what they would normally need to pay. Basic economics 101, inflation and deflation. A player can only farm an X amount of wow gold over a given period of time. The more wow gold there is, the more the item will cost, the more a player will have to farm unless they purchase the wow gold of course. I feel (it would recquire a lot more analysis and an in depth study of WOW economy to be sure) that they are using goldsellers/farmers.