Have been developed throughout the lifespan of wow gold.
Given that this change was going to happen anyway, we made the decision to keep the level bracket change since it already went live and address any adverse affects as they arise.Warcraft 3 really established Arthas in the position of the Lich King in its expansion - The Frozen Throne. His relevance is not to be trivialized, but to say that we have established him as "The Big Boss" is a bit of a stretch. Warcraft 3 introduced a whole new level of threat to Azeroth - The Burning Legion. There have been some encounters with them and their powerful masters, but I'd hesitate to say that they've been "defeated" once and for all. We've also seen the rise of old gods such as Yogg'Saron and C'thun and I'm sure you're aware of the impending return of Deathwing. There is a whole slew of lore characters who haven't been around and thousands of plots and intrigues that have been developed throughout the lifespan of wow gold and its expansions. Many big nasty bosses have been slain and still the problems of the world have not been alleviated. Perhaps, just maybe, there is more going on then one can gather in a glimpse.It doesn't surprise me at all that people are coming up with their own theories as to how their own desired race/class combination may fit into the story of the game and the upcoming cataclysm, and it's certainly been interesting to read the varying interpretations.Still, as I have stated, the race/class combinations we've picked are where we're taking the story at this time.