Runes of Magic :Patch 2.1.5 - Gates of the Acropolis
With trained precision the 12 veterans of the human & elves elite group made their way through the twisted halls of the mighty Naga Acropolis.
Weeks of preparations lay behind them until they finally found a way into the Sanctum of the Naga civilization. Built by Naga, yet commanded by Demons and led by one of the Thirteen Rings: Sirloth, the King of Terror!
And therefore the main target of the expedition by order of Varanas and the Order of the Dark Glory, pushing their bloody fight straight forward.
Once in a while flashes of recent events came up before their inner eye: their victory over the fiery Demon Dragon, freed of his shackles. Or the defeat of the new King and Naga General "Sharleedah".
But no matter which victory lay behind them, the loss of their friends during the war against the Naga and their demonic commanders overshadowed everything and pushed them forward.
Past caged creatures, waiting for their unknown fate, they used all their feats & talents making their way into the first chamber...
Into the chamber of "Charionys", which glided back & forth on spiderlike Legs between Vessels filled with twisted demonic offspring!
With a further epic quest series, an expansion of the plant system, new elite skills for Elven characters as well as the launch of the Snowflake Festival, a winter in-game event for Christmas time, the update delivers a whole string of new features.
The core of 'Patch 2.1.5. - The Gates of the Acropolis' is, however, the Zurhidon Fortress, a massive bulwark, built by the Naga as a part of their gigantic Acropolis on the Aotulia Volcano.
In amongst fiery lava streams, raid parties can explore the Zurhidon fortress, pressing on to uncover more of the secrets of its demonic inhabitants.
In this high level area, well equipped players will eventually come face to face with Sirloth, envoy of the Demon Lord. As the dramatic battle progresses, the very Demon Lord himself makes an appearance at the end of the instance.
And so with the release of the new update, the story of the arch-villain and eponymous antagonist of the first chapter 'Rise of the Demon Lord' continues to be written.