The small changes are made to almost every zone in the wow gold game.
In the game, the small changes are made to almost every zone in the wow gold game, with an emphasis on creating "BC-like experiences" from level 1. Improvements in quest design, mount previews, and some effort to include PvP battlegrounds in zone quest lines are all on the table. Geography is up in the air as well, thanks to the power of the Legion. It leads to remap the old world to allow for flying mounts.Areas of Azeroth that were previously blank spots on the map are filled in as various groups come under attack by the Legion. Similarly, the Legions actions lower Dalaran's shield and wake a sleeping evil beneath the ruins of Alterac. Over the whole of Azeroth both factions should have new zones allowing alternatives to previous leveling paths. IE, there should be at least three zones for any given span of ten levels, with one brand new. The other two zones should be revamped as mentioned above to allow for added re-playability. No new continent, though islands and such around Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms makes a lot of sense.There are several races stand up and take the fight to the demons under assault by the Legion. The races are unaligned at character start, and can choose to become friendly with either Horde or Alliance over the course of their careers. Faction gained with one side eventually causes faction loss with the other, until the character is as much Horde or Alliance as an Orc or Human.