With a good wow gold guide in hand you can make a fortune in no time.
There are a lot of mobs out here that are skinnable and they respawn constantly. With a good wow gold guide in hand you can make a fortune in no time. The key to skinning for gold is in knowing where to go, when to go there and how long to spend there farming for gold. If you can effectively approach every step of the skinning and hunting process with cheap wow gold in mind, you can make as much as 150-200 gold an hour at the highest levels, so, never forget all that valuable vendor trash and item drops.Priests head the many faiths spread out through the disparate lands of the world of Azeroth. In Kalimdor, night elf priestesses venerate the moon goddess Elune, while dwarven priests in Khaz Modan deliver the message of the light to their people. In the ruins of Lordaeron, the undead priests of the forsaken, their faith twisted and tainted by their tortured existences, spread a dark representation of the holy light. Regardless of their faith, however, all priests share in their ability to manipulate the minds of those who turn to them for spiritual guidance.The priest class is known for its many healing abilities. This includes instant-cast spells that heal over time, slow-casting spellsthat offer a large burst of healing, and area of effect spells that can heal many players at once.In addition to their role as healers, priests have offensive spells. Most of their offensive spells cause shadow damage although some cause holy damage.