Wow gold players have other options.Life-bloom has been through a lot.
Rejuvenation likes innervate or click trinkets, it heals for 1300-1500 without the glyph every 3 seconds, nothing new, but with the crazy mana regen we have, we choose this over many other options for raid healing. Having this on a target also gives you the opportunity to instantly swift-mend the target. You should get to know the fights, and pre hot people who you think will take damage, it is much easier to heal groups this way, don't worry about mana issues especially in heroics.Keep in mind we are using this naxx 25 relic to reduce Rejuvenation mana cost. The actual stats on it say reduced mana cost by 106. Now take into account mana reducing talents it makes it actually 91 in caster form and in tree form. Not to great, but we use Rejuvenation so much we think it matters. If not, go for the Life-bloom Trinket clearly.Healing Touch was used when the only good glyph we could get pre-wrath was the 1.5 less cast time Healing Touch but healed for 50%. Healing touch is simply too long of a cast to be of any worth with all of our other abilities. This spell is to only be used with Nature's Swiftness.If you are lacking on healing your group you' better not to use this Tranquility for healing just one person, wow gold players have other options.Life-bloom has been through a lot, still a solid spell. It is great when it stacked 3 times and paired with the new and improved idol of the emerald queen.