Wow gold players prefer them greatly to the normal Blizzard servers.
There is really no limit as to what all you can do on a test realm. It's amazing how great it is once you really get into it.As you play on a PvP server and have both Horde and Alliance members in your guild, you have experienced anything. You must communicate with everyone, kill people and then rub their face in it.It is still extremely popular to run instance and heroic dungeons. Many do this for quests to get their legendary equipment. Legendary equipment quests and farming is going to be extremely popular, since almost no server allows wow gold players to get these godly equips for nothing. However, most of the high tier epics are easy to get.PvE is still even somewhat popular on these realms. Many realms require PvE to get the gold you need to buy equipment and upkeep your character's repairs and what no. You're really going to need to do PvE on any server. However, the majority of private test realms aren't based around PvE, all PvP.We recommend that you may give private test realms a chance and wow gold players prefer them greatly to the normal Blizzard servers. Hopefully you have a good time in this.The nerf to armor pen in 3.2.2 is intentional. Compared to the recent buff where we increased the value of armor rating to 125%, this nerf would take it back down to 110%. While we are still evaluating the effects of this change in the 3.2.2 build, we did want to let you know of the possibility in case you were about to spend a lot on armor pen gems.